Sunday, February 2, 2014

Extravaganza: Take 2

Wow! Yesterday was a full day. I have enjoyed being on a worship team filled with excellent singers and musicians. We are singing a variety of hymns, folk songs, and praise jams! It is good. The speakers are diverse, and we even have a comedian keeping us laughing. I have networked and connected with many old friends and few new faces. I am picking brains and listening in on good workshops. Here is what I have so far...
1. I had lunch with Lyle Griner from the Peer Ministry group. He is passionate about creating leaders in ministry among our young people. We talked about doing a training in the summer. A great way for young people (any people for that matter) to stay connected to the church, and more importantly Jesus, is to equip them, empower them, and energize them for leadership. There is much more we can do with this!
2. I went to a workshop called "The Jesus Gap." This was an amazing workshop that was research based, identifying what our young people in the ELCA truly know about Jesus. We use many churchy words, and talk about God in general, but if our young people and parents don't know who Jesus is, then we are failing! The results were alarming, but all is not lost! It was a great reminder to never assume people know, and to always, always make our ministries about Jesus! I am looking forward to sharing this when I get back!

OK, that is all for now, but I do have much more to share. Right now I have to go to worship!!!

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