Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Jesus, My Hero!

On this the holiest of weeks for Christians, I have been encouraged by my Men's group to write why Jesus is my hero. So here goes...
Jesus, you are my hero because you are always changing the old and making them new. You changed the course of history. Dates and times are based on your life. You changed entire cultures and their tradtions. You changed our view of God, how we know God, and how to draw near to God. We don't have to work to get to you, you came to us. You changed religion to relationship. You give us your unconditional love, grace, and forgiveness through your sacrafice instead of our having to earn your love. Because of your resurrection you have conquered the grave, changing our fear of death, and giving us eternal life!
You continue to change hardened hearts, drawing them to you through that love that you lavishly provide for us. Yes, Jesus, you are always changing the old for new, but you are never changing. You are our rock that doesn't roll. You are Alpha and Omega. Yes, you are the same always, but we never will be when we live our lives for you. Jesus, Thank you for being my hero.

1 comment:

RFL said...

Good post... When we were tasked with this writing I sat back and thought for a moment...Hmmmm a hero is (brave hearted,loyal, considers others before their own self) someone that has done a tremendous thing, someone we want to be around, hang out with and be a big part of our life and associate with. The assignmet was simple, so it seemed, made me think---what am I suppose to get out of this beside knowing that my grammar stinks.:)

God IS my hero that has taken a back seat for many years but has always been there for me when needed AND never hesitated to help or direct my path in the right direction. He never boast yet He is perfect and flwless. My hero has never nor will ever leave me when the chips are down... (My Hero)God loves unconditionally, He loves us more than we love ourselves. This Hero that has it all under control, but many have yet realized who He is and what He can do. Love ya bro...