Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mission Trip Post #1- Sunday Night

We made it to Brooklyn! We weren't the last ones and we made it without incident. We did get a little turned around in Newark, NJ, but that was just a hiccup. Kathy and Dawn split the driving in one van and I, miraculously, (with the help of a bottle of "5 hour energy" and some great worship songs) drove the entire trip on only 3 hours of sleep. God is good! I never felt tired, or that I was putting any of our kids in jeopardy. Overall, the trip took appoximately 14 hours, including the stops. The kids were great. They mostly slept, but we did have some fun interactions as well. We arrived in Brooklyn driving through Staten Island. We could see the Statue of Liberty off in the distance as we crossed from the island to Brooklyn. We arrived at our church by traveling through a smaller, but highly populated version of Chinatown. The  community we are in is highly diverse with "neighborhoods" sectioned off in different ethnicities. I mentioned the large Chinese section. In addition, we are close to a Puerto Rican community, Hassidic Jewish community, Indian, and Middle Eastern communities as well. We begin our work tomorrow, and I am very excited for our youth to be working amongst and with this broad range of diverse people. Now, I am off to pass out! Good night and Amen!

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